Friday, April 29, 2016


1.Q:Who were the people dependent upon?
A:They dependent upon the lords
2.Where did they choose to build?And why?
A:near a river because of natural defense and a place to escape
3.Q:What was the first ring of the castle called?
A:The city/defense
4.Q:How long will the walls be on the outer curtain?
A:300 feet
5.Q:How thick was the inner curtain?How high?
A:12 feet thick 35 feet high
6. Q:make a sketch
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7.Q:What's the center of the inner ward?
A:living quarters
8:Q:how many entrances in the town wall?How are they protected
A:3 entrances protected by 2 doors
9:Q:Why did people move to towns?
A:to become a master straight away without having to pay a guild fee. this helped them establish them self in the new city.
10:Q: What are the walls filled with? 
A: They are filled with rubble. 
11.Q: How are the windows designed, starting from the bottom to the top of the towers?
        A:  They were made with iron gilts and have wooden doors. They also consist of glass. 
12. Q:What are the crenulations used for? 
    A:  They were used so that an archer could shoot in two directions while in the same position. 
13. Q:Why are the gate houses not lined up from the inner to the outer ward? 
  A:  If somebody were able to breach the outer wall, they wouldn't be able to just walk right in through the inner wall. they would have to find it. 
14. Q:How are the tower levels divided? 
 A:  The living places would be placed above and the dungeons below.
15.Q: What defenses are in a gate house? 
       A:They had many doors that they could close and lock, a gate, and windows in which the archers could shoot through. 
16. Q:What are the buildings made from? 
       A:They were made from stone cobble, timber, woven hay, or sticks mixed with cow dung. 
17. Q:What lived on the bottom floor of the barracks? The top? '
  A: Animals would live on the bottom and Lords would live on the top. 
18. Q:What is a Garderobe? 
  A: restroom.


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