Sunday, April 3, 2016

magna carta timeline

  • 1212,A group of rebel barons are discovered to be plotting to kill the highly unpopular King John. The rebel leader Robert FitzWalter had previously claimed John had tried to rape his daughter. 
  • July 1214,King John is defeated at the Battle of Bouvines. He attempts to raise cash from the barons, prompting rebel barons to organise again. They demand he confirm an older Charta of Liberties, declared by Henry I a century before. 
  • January 1215,King John calls a council to discuss possible reforms. An initial document is produced by the barons.
  • May 1215,Rebel ba
  • rons renounce feudal ties to John
  • June 1215,King John meets rebels at Runnymede, near Windsor, where he is presented with a series of demands called the Articles of the Barons. The agreement, renamed Magna Carter and approved on 15, promised protection of church rights, protection from illegal imprisonment, access to swift justice and limitatons on tax and other payments to the crown. 
  • July 1215,John appeals to Pope Innocent III claiming Magna Carter compromises his rights as a feudal lord. The pope excommunicates the barons and later declares the charta “null and void of validity forever”. 
  • Autumn 1215,First Barons' War erupts, although settles into a stalemate with the rebels supported by the future French King Louis VIII.
  • October 1215,King John dies, and is succeeded by nine-year-old Henry III.

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