Friday, April 29, 2016


1.Q:Who were the people dependent upon?
A:They dependent upon the lords
2.Where did they choose to build?And why?
A:near a river because of natural defense and a place to escape
3.Q:What was the first ring of the castle called?
A:The city/defense
4.Q:How long will the walls be on the outer curtain?
A:300 feet
5.Q:How thick was the inner curtain?How high?
A:12 feet thick 35 feet high
6. Q:make a sketch
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7.Q:What's the center of the inner ward?
A:living quarters
8:Q:how many entrances in the town wall?How are they protected
A:3 entrances protected by 2 doors
9:Q:Why did people move to towns?
A:to become a master straight away without having to pay a guild fee. this helped them establish them self in the new city.
10:Q: What are the walls filled with? 
A: They are filled with rubble. 
11.Q: How are the windows designed, starting from the bottom to the top of the towers?
        A:  They were made with iron gilts and have wooden doors. They also consist of glass. 
12. Q:What are the crenulations used for? 
    A:  They were used so that an archer could shoot in two directions while in the same position. 
13. Q:Why are the gate houses not lined up from the inner to the outer ward? 
  A:  If somebody were able to breach the outer wall, they wouldn't be able to just walk right in through the inner wall. they would have to find it. 
14. Q:How are the tower levels divided? 
 A:  The living places would be placed above and the dungeons below.
15.Q: What defenses are in a gate house? 
       A:They had many doors that they could close and lock, a gate, and windows in which the archers could shoot through. 
16. Q:What are the buildings made from? 
       A:They were made from stone cobble, timber, woven hay, or sticks mixed with cow dung. 
17. Q:What lived on the bottom floor of the barracks? The top? '
  A: Animals would live on the bottom and Lords would live on the top. 
18. Q:What is a Garderobe? 
  A: restroom.


Thursday, April 28, 2016

vocab and paragraph

  1. fiefdom: the property owned by a lord
  2. feudalism:its principles and practices.
  3. monarch:a hereditary sovereign, as a king, queen, or emperor.
  4. lord:a person who has authority, control, or power over others; a master, chief, or ruler.
  5. vassal:a servant or slave.
  6. knight:a mounted soldier serving under a feudal superior in the Middle Ages.
  7. peasant:a member of a class of persons, as in Europe, Asia, and Latin America, who are small farmers or farm laborers of low social rank.
  8. commoner:a common person, as distinguished from one with rank, status, etc.
  9. serf:a slave
  10. tradesman:a worker skilled in a particular craft; artisan; craftsman.
  11. merchant:a person who buys and sells commodities for profit; dealer; trader.
  12. castle:a strongly fortified, permanently garrisoned stronghold.
  13. moat:a deep, wide trench, usually filled with water, surrounding the rampart of a fortified place, as a town or a castle.
  14. guild:an organization of persons with related interests, goals, etc., especially one formed for mutual aid or protection.
  15. abbey:the group of buildings comprising such a monastery or convent.
  16. high middle ages:old people
  17.  100 year's war:war that lasted for 100 years
  18. black death:A form of bubonic plague that spread over Europe in the 14th century and killed an estimated quarter of the population.

In this project we will be creating buildings in the medieval.We will make it in a game called mine craft each block at least 1mm and we need to research how long,wide and tall it is.People will make different buildings.Our whole call will make a kingdom.We need at least a farm to make food for 2,000-4,000 people and in it with animals like cows and pigs.

Sunday, April 24, 2016

medieval food

vegetable soup
cabbage,carrots,celery,green beans,leeks,onions,parsnips,sorrel,turnips,garlic

it has lots of salad and vedetables
2 lbs. pork loin,1 1/2 tsp. coriander, 1 1/2 tsp. caraway, 1/2 tsp. pepper ,1/2 tsp. salt ,2 cloves garlic, minced ,
2 cups red wine ,1 cup broth 

the sauce was good and the meat was chewy
eggs and apples
1 apple ,2 to 3 eggs ,1 Tbsp. butter ,
1/4 tsp.powder fine,pinch saffron

i can really taste the apples, the apple are sweet,
1 or 2 salmons

it taste like regular salmon

vegetable soup
eggs and apples

Monday, April 11, 2016

compare and contrast

Magna carta
  • has a short timeline
  • best documents in the world
  • lived in 1199
  • has rule in almost all of his clauses
  • letting all of his men be free
Us constitution
  • was wars to fight for rights
  • lived in 1789
  • has a us constitution
  • has a longer timeline
  • it toke over 6 years to make the constitution
  • both has a timeline
  • both lived in the pass
  • both had something to fight for
  • both has leaders that died
  • both made something that toke long to make

us constitution

  • 1775Revolutionary War begins
  • 1776 Declaration of Independence written and approved by the Continental Congress
  • 1781 Revolutionary War ends
    The Continental Congress agrees on the Articles of Confederation
    March 1, Continental Congress is replaced by the Congress of the Confederation, which forms the basis of the new US government
  • 1783 Britain recognizes the independence of the USA
  • 1787 US Constitution written at the Constitutional Convention
  • 1788 US Constitution written at the Constitutional Convention
  • 1789 George Washington elected first President of the USA
    March 4, The first Congress met
  • 1790First Supreme Court assembled  the Chief Justice was John Jay
    Dec., US capital moves to Philadelphia

Friday, April 8, 2016

us constitution vocabulary


  • Enumeration:a catalog or list
  • Subsequent:occurring or coming later or after 
  • Representatives:a person
  • Hampshire:a county in  England
  • Providence:foreseeing care and guidance of God
  • Plantations:a group of people that plant trees

Monday, April 4, 2016

magna carta vocabulary

Abbots= a leader
Earls=2nd to highest rank
Justiciaries=a brave person
Bailiffs=a guard
Archbishop=the highest rank
Aforesaid=said earilier
Amends=taking damage from somthing
Disparagement=bad light

Sunday, April 3, 2016

magna carta timeline

  • 1212,A group of rebel barons are discovered to be plotting to kill the highly unpopular King John. The rebel leader Robert FitzWalter had previously claimed John had tried to rape his daughter. 
  • July 1214,King John is defeated at the Battle of Bouvines. He attempts to raise cash from the barons, prompting rebel barons to organise again. They demand he confirm an older Charta of Liberties, declared by Henry I a century before. 
  • January 1215,King John calls a council to discuss possible reforms. An initial document is produced by the barons.
  • May 1215,Rebel ba
  • rons renounce feudal ties to John
  • June 1215,King John meets rebels at Runnymede, near Windsor, where he is presented with a series of demands called the Articles of the Barons. The agreement, renamed Magna Carter and approved on 15, promised protection of church rights, protection from illegal imprisonment, access to swift justice and limitatons on tax and other payments to the crown. 
  • July 1215,John appeals to Pope Innocent III claiming Magna Carter compromises his rights as a feudal lord. The pope excommunicates the barons and later declares the charta “null and void of validity forever”. 
  • Autumn 1215,First Barons' War erupts, although settles into a stalemate with the rebels supported by the future French King Louis VIII.
  • October 1215,King John dies, and is succeeded by nine-year-old Henry III.