Monday, March 14, 2016


Feudalism in my own words means that they have a social system in medieval Europe.

Feudalism system

  • king/monarch/royal
  • Nobles/lords
  • Knights/vassals
  • Peasants/serfs            

 responsibilities and privileges
King and Queen:the greatest lords of Europe,and all the nobles and knights were their vassals.
Nobles: vassals of king and Queen. Many were also lords of lower ranking nobles and knight.
Knights: knights served their noble lords in exchange for land.
Peasants:owned no land,so they were not part of the feudal system,but many peasants worked on land owned by nobles or knights

The activity i did on Friday was about feudalism and how the barbarians toke over all the land they can find.the barbarians toke over the land that have no knight to protect them, so they couldn't fight back

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